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South Florida Prosecutors Allege That Former Hialeah Mayor Kept Mistress With Secret Cash Interest Proceeds
March 25, 2014
Tax evasion isn’t the only thing on former Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina’s plate these days, it appears he’s also been busted for having a mistress. News reports claim that Luis Felipe Perez, now in prison for running a $45 million jewelry-investment scam, paid Robaina more than $300,000 in cash for proceeds from high-interest $850,000 loan between friends.

Why the cash payments for the high interest loan? The Feds say Robaina was spending the money on his mistress and needed to keep it secret from his wife. The mistresses’ identity has not been revealed.
This new evidence surfaced in the criminal tax-evasion case against Robaina and his wife, Raiza that is set for trial April 10th.
Specifically the Robainas are charged with conspiring to evade paying income taxes, failing to report secret cash payments and lying to federal authorities about their joint business that made more than $1 million in loans to friends. They’re also accused of underreporting hundreds of thousands of dollars in income between 2005 and 2007.
The penalties for tax fraud can be step– those convicted of tax fraud in South Florida federal court could be imprisoned for up to five years and be subjected to extensive monetary penalties. This is why it is important to have a team of seasoned Miami tax fraud attorneys on your side if you are facing these sorts of charges.
Contact the Miami Tax Fraud attorneys at Whittel & Melton today.