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Ocala Social Security Disability Lawyers – Marion County, Florida

Suffering from a disability can change your life completely. There are many issues that come along with being disabled, but the lifestyle change one must undergo can be the most difficult. Along with adjusting your life, as well as the life of your family, financial stress can creep in and create even more hardships. Fortunately, our Ocala Social Security Disability Lawyers are here to help you overcome al the obstacles in your way.
Most disabled individuals rely on social security disability benefits to cover the extra costs that usually accompany having a disability. There are about 69 million people who receive social security disability benefits of some kinds every year in the U.S. However, the process of obtaining these benefits can be quite difficult and tiresome. The process can be daunting, especially for someone with a newly acquired disability. If you or someone you care for is disabled, we urge you to contact our social security disability lawyers today. Our Ocala Social Security Disability Lawyers can help you review your legal options and choose a plan of action that best suits you and all of your needs.
Who is Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits?
There are numerous requirements that must be met in order for a person to become eligible for social security disability benefits. If you are disabled and unable to work, this does not automatically mean you can now start receiving Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI). Eligibility for this supplemental income all depends on your disability itself and your work history.
In order to be eligible for SSDI, you will need to have worked recently and long enough to have enough “work credits.” For every quarter of work where you have obtained a certain level of income, you can earn one work credit. If in 2021 you earned $1,700 or more per quarter, then this means you would earn 4 work credits for the year.
The number of credits you need to qualify for SSDI benefits depend on your age. In most cases, you must have 40 work credits, with 20 of them being earned within the last 10 years. If you are under 31 years of age, then you can still qualify for SSDI, but with less work credits.
Your disability also plays a role in whether or not you are eligible for SSDI benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has the following requirements:
- You can no longer work in your current job position
- You cannot do any other type of job because of your medical state
- Your disability is expected to last at least a year (or more) or result in your death
The SSA has a list of all medical conditions that are eligible for SSDI benefits. You can view the entire list here.
If you don’t qualify for SSDI benefits, you may still be eligible for benefits, including Supplement Security Income benefits (SSI). In order to receive this benefit, you must be disabled and meet strict income requirements.
When trying to figure out whether or not you are eligible to received SSDI or SSI benefits, your best bet is to work with a knowledgeable social security disability attorney who can walk you through the process and handle all of your paperwork. Our Ocala Social Security Disability Lawyers are ready to help you get started today. Call us now at 352-369-5334 or contact us online.
What is the Difference Between Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Social Security Income (SSI)?
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Social Security Income (SSI) may look similar, but they both have different eligibility requirements and serve two different purposes. SSDI is the program that working people pay into over the course of their life. If a person becomes disabled and are no longer able to work, then SSDI benefits can kick in if they have paid into it for a long enough time period.
SSI benefits, on the other hand, are determined solely on financial need. How long you have worked does not matter and SSI benefits help to provide necessary money for housing and food.
Help From SSDI and SSI Attorneys for claims in Ocala and Marion County
Our Ocala Social Security Disability Lawyers know that SSDI and SSI benefits are confusing. We are here to help you obtain your rightfully earned benefits under the social security program. The stipulations and requirements can be exhausting, but we encourage you to reach out to us and let us help you through this process. If you have recently become disabled or have previously filed paperwork for benefits and been denied, we can help. We urge you to contact us sooner rather than later so that we can become familiar with your case and get started on the complex application process so that you can get the most out of your specific benefits package. Call us now at 352-369-5334 or contact us online to get started.