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National Teen Driver Safety Week 2014 – Talk to Teen Drivers About Driving Sober
October 23, 2014
National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 19-25. Auto accidents are the leading cause of death for 14 to 18 year olds across the country, which is why the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has deemed this is as one of the most important roadway safety topics facing teen drivers and all other motorists across the United States.
According to various survey results, a mere 25 percent of parents have serious talks with their teens about safe driving practices, despite the fact that nearly half of all teen drivers involved in motor vehicle accidents die.
Talk to Your Teen

Talking to the teen drivers in your family is very important and the most effective way to help improve their safety as well as the safety of others on the road. The NHTSA has compiled a list of great resources, including the “5 to Drive” rules, which are five crucial topics to talk to your teen about before they start driving.
Five to Drive
- No alcohol
- No cell phones
- No extra passengers
- No speeding
- Always Buckle up
While the Five to Drive list may seem like obvious rules to follow, the number one cause of teenage deaths is car accidents, and the above five topics are often contributing factors.
Underage Drinking & Driving – Zero Tolerance in Florida
Florida law takes a hard stance on underage drinking and driving. First and foremost, the “zero tolerance” statute states that drivers under the age of 21 can have their license suspended for having any alcohol in their system when pulled over by law enforcement. Second, the license suspension penalties are much harsher for underage drivers charged with a DUI.
The NHTSA offers many helpful tips for talking with teens, which includes setting ground rules and writing a contract so that teen drivers know that they are accountable for all actions when behind the wheel. Even just a simple conversation with teen drivers can have a positive impact on roadway safety for Florida motorists.
If you are under the legal drinking age, or if your underage son or daughter is accused of DUI anywhere in Florida, a Florida DUI Defense Lawyer at Whittel & Melton can help. We fight aggressively for teenage drivers charged with DUI so that they have the best chances of escaping the worst penalties of a DUI arrest and its consequences. For a free consultation, please call us today toll-free at 866-608-5529 or contact us online.