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Linda Hogan Arrested for DUI :: Whittel & Melton
October 11, 2012

Linda Bollea, better known as Linda Hogan, was pulled over last week for speeding, however instead of being issued a ticket she was taken to jail on suspicion of DUI.
She was arrested at 1:34 a.m. in Malibu on Oct. 4. She was also booked for driving on a suspended license.
Her blood alcohol level was allegedly .084, just slightly above California and every other state’s legal limit of .08.
The 53-year-old was released several hours later on $5,000 bond.
Hogan was apparently driving home from a jewelry function in Los Angeles when she was stopped. According to reports, she only had one glass of champagne on an empty stomach and was also on antibiotics.
An arrest for DUI can happen to anyone. Believe it or not, very few people that are arrested for driving under the influence are intoxicated to the point where they can barely walk or speak. The majority of DUI arrests happen to people who are just barely over the legal limit and made the untimely decision to get behind the wheel of a car.
It is important to be aware that the legal limit used to determine whether or not a driver is charged with DUI is .08. A person’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) can be measured through blood, breath or urine testing. Breath tests are by far the most common of these tests. Breath tests are usually given some time after you were initially pulled over, and BAC levels tend to increase over time. So while your test results may indicate that you were over the legal limit, all this means is that your blood contained a certain amount of alcohol at the time the breath test was conducted. This does not give an accurate reading of what your BAC was at the time of driving.
Keep in mind, that while it is illegal to operate a vehicle with a BAC of .08 or greater, it is not against the law to have a BAC of .08 or higher at the time your breath test is conducted. Due to the fact that blood alcohol levels change over time, this can be a critical aspect of your defense. The Florida DUI Defense Attorneys at Whittel & Melton can prepare a powerful defense in order to successfully challenge the State’s case against you so that you receive the most positive outcome in your DUI case.
If you or someone you love has been arrested for DUI anywhere in the state of Florida, contact the Florida DUI Defense Lawyers at Whittel & Melton online or call us statewide and toll-free at 866-608-5529.