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Florida DUI Defense Attorney :: Tips to Avoid a New Year’s Eve DUI
December 30, 2013
New Year’s Eve is just around the corner, and it is safe to assume that getting a DUI is not on anyone’s New Year’s resolution list. While people often want to know what to do after they get arrested for a DUI in Florida, it is equally important to understand smart practices that can help you avoid getting a DUI in the first place. The following tips can save you the time, money and stress that go hand-in-hand with a Florida DUI.
1. Refrain from Drinking. While obvious, this is simply the only way to avoid a DUI arrest in Florida. If you want to go out and drink this New Year’s Eve, be smart. Get a cab home or designate a sober driver before going out. Remember, it is not illegal to drink alcohol and drive, but gauging how much alcohol will put you right at or over the limit is not an easy thing to do. So, keep it simple for yourself and avoid drinking and driving.
2. When in Doubt, Don’t Risk It. Remember the saying “Better safe than sorry?” If you are in doubt about how much you have had to drink, don’t chance it by getting behind the wheel. There are plenty of Florida DUI arrests that involve people who did not know they had any symptoms from drinking alcohol. You do not have to be stumbling and slurring your words to receive a DUI. If you are questioning your sobriety at all, don’t take the risk of driving home. Hail a cab or have a sober driver take you home.
3. Head Home Early. Ending the party early is not necessarily a bad thing on New Year’s Eve. Most police officers start patrolling from midnight on into the early morning hours. For your own safety, it can be a good idea to get on the road and head home before other drivers who might be intoxicated do.

4. Avoid Busy Streets and Checkpoints. Check online for local checkpoints and try to avoid main streets and highways if at all possible. These are heavily saturated zones.
5. Make Sure your Vehicle is Properly Maintained. One of the main reasons people get stopped in the first place is due to improper maintenance of their car. A broken headlight or tail light or even an expired tag can cause a police officer to pull you over.
6. Exercise Extra Caution on the Roads. Follow all the rules of the road when driving home this NYE. Use your turn signals, come to complete stops, stay in your lane, etc. Avoid texting or talking on your cell phone while driving. Don’t give police any reason to stop your vehicle.
7. If Stopped, Be Cooperative and Polite. If pulled over, have your license and proof of registration ready for the officer. Be polite and cooperative during this process. Following these steps shows you are thinking rationally, which can ultimately be used in your defense should you be arrested for a Florida DUI.
In the long run, you won’t have to worry about these steps if you avoid drinking and driving. As we mentioned previously, it is not illegal to drink and drive, but it is illegal once you are at the legal limit of .08 or above. The tips listed above can help you from drawing attention to yourself and being pulled over. If you are pulled over this NYE and arrested for DUI, call a Florida DUI Defense Lawyer at Whittel & Melton at 866-608-5529 so that we can begin defending you.
From all of us at Whittel & Melton, have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve!