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Pasco County Injury Lawyer :: Nap Nanny and Chill Infant Recliners Recalled after Five Infant Deaths
Last week, federal regulators and the former maker of the Nap Nanny recalled all of the company’s infant recliners after 92 incidents of babies hanging or falling out of the products were reported as well as five infant deaths.
Different than most other recalls, there is no refund or fix to this product’s problem as the Nap Nanny’s parent company, Baby Matters, is no longer in business. The Consumer Product Safety Commission advises parents to immediately stop using all models of the product.
This recent recall is part of the settlement of an administrative case filed by CPSC in December seeking a mandatory recall of the Nap Nanny and Chill recliners.
The Nap Nanny was not tested to federal standards, according to a spokeswoman for the advocacy group Kids In Danger, and a member of the standard setting committee for infant recliners. She says, “The safest place for a baby to sleep is a crib, bassinet or play yard that meets current safety rules.”

While Baby Matters may not be issuing a refund or replacement for their Nap Nanny product,, Buy Buy Baby, and Toys R Us/Babies R Us agreed in December to refund the purchase price of models sold in their stores. Consumers who purchased a Nap Nanny from one of these retailers should contact the store to find out more about getting their money back.
The CPSC said nearly 165,000 of the Nap Nanny and Chill products were sold between 2009 and 2012 for about $130.
In their lawsuit against Baby Matters, the CPSC alleged that the Nap Nanny and Chill products created a substantial product hazard, contained a design defect and featured inadequate instructions and warnings.
Baby Matters denied the allegations.
The founder of Baby Matters issued this statement:
“We vigorously defended the case and while we and our lawyers were confident we would ultimately prevail given the perfect safety record of the Chill when used as intended, the case was becoming expensive and exhausting. For these reasons we were content to let the CPSC dismiss the case with our never having conceded the baseless allegations behind it. No infant has ever suffered an injury requiring medical attention when the Nap Nanny has been used properly.”
The CPSC sued Baby Matters shortly after the company went out of business.
The CPSC says that under federal law, it is now illegal to sell, offer for sale, manufacture, distribute or import into the United States any model of the Nap Nanny or Chill recliner in addition to its covers.
Defective products can be placed on the market at any time, so as parents and consumers, it is important to be aware that you have the right to seek recourse against negligent manufacturers. Defective products are often tested inappropriately or even misrepresented by marketers. When defective products are not tested properly, any manufacturing or design flaw will go unnoticed until consumers are affected by the defects and voice their complaints.
If you or someone you know purchased a Nap Nanny or Chill baby recliner, it is important that you stop using these products right away. If your child has been injured or has suffered a wrongful death due to one of the baby recliners made by Baby Matters, a Pasco County Injury Lawyer at Whittel & Melton can help. We urge you to contact us today at 727-847-2299 or visit us online to schedule a free, confidential consultation to discuss the facts of your case.