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Pasco County Child Burn Injury Lawyer :: 1-Year-Old Boy Burned on 12 Percent of His Body by Boiling Water
A 1-year-old Land O’ Lakes child was airlifted to Tampa General Hospital Sunday night after suffering severe burn injuries after coming into contact with boiling water from a stove at a Land O’ Lakes home.
The boy was burned on 12 percent of his body, according to Pasco Fire-EMS.
The child was airlifted as a trauma alert to Tampa General Hospital, and his condition at this point is unknown.
Burn injuries are some of the most painful injuries that a child can endure. In fact, burn injuries are a leading common cause of death in children. Nearly 3,000 children die every year from burn injuries, and thousands more are hospitalized each year. Significant injuries, such as burns, can affect children in various ways. Children are continuously developing, so treating their injuries properly is vital to their health and well-being. Burn injuries can be complex and require long-term medical care.

Burn injuries are some of the most common injuries to children in Land O’ Lakes and the surrounding areas of Pasco County. Child burns can result from various circumstances, from negligent supervision to motor vehicle accidents or even kitchen fires. Other common causes for child burns result from gas and chemical explosions, fireplaces, hot liquids and firework explosions.
Potential dangers can be found throughout your home, including hot stoves, electrical cords and sockets, chemical cleaners and even scalding bath water. Children must be supervised at all times so that unexpected burn tragedies do not result from any of these home hazards. Whether your child has been injured due to negligent supervision by another adult or as a result of another type of serious accident, it is very important to seek legal counsel right away. A Pasco County Child Burn Injury Attorney at Whittel & Melton can help you through this difficult time and make sure your legal rights are protected.
Children are not the only ones who can suffer when a serious accident occurs. Parents of children suffering from burn injuries may incur lofty medical bills, lost time from work and endure emotional pain and suffering from having to watch their child recover from a painful injury. A Pasco County Injury Attorney at Whittel & Melton can help you ease the burden of a tragic accident by guiding you through the legal process and making sure your injured child receives the best medical care around.
At Whittel & Melton, we are dedicated to helping children and their families recover the maximum financial compensation needed to make a full recovery. To set up a free initial consultation with a Pasco County Child Burn Injury Lawyer, please call us today at or contact us online.