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One in a Wrongful Death?
Dade City Car Crash Attorney :: New AAA Study Shows Hands-Free Devices Distract Drivers
As Pasco County Auto Accident Lawyers, we know that distracted driving can take many different forms, including the use of hand-held devices. However, now a new AAA study confirms that even hands-free devices are dangerously distracting to motorists.
Automakers have now begun to equip new vehicles with voice command technology allowing drivers to use their voice to control various auto functions like windshield wipers, HVAC and even when to send text and e-mail messages. Any activity that forces a driver to steer its eyes, mind or hands away from the main task of driving is inherently risky, but this new voice-to-text technology captured the attention of the AAA, and for good reason.

Researchers at the University of Utah found that these new voice-to-text systems being installed in automobiles require greater concentration from drivers than compared to other distracting behaviors like talking to a passenger, listening to the radio or talking on a cell phone.
While this may be shocking, the study found that drivers using voice-to-text technology are three times more distracted. Why? Researchers believe this type of technology triggers cognitive distraction that causes a person’s brain to not be able to register what is clearly visible.
With our fast paced society, it seems that everyone is always doing two things at once. However, when you are behind the wheel of a car, your main focus should be on getting from Point A to Point B safely, and that is it. Driving and doing something else at the same time can lead to fatal consequences. Unfortunately, many drivers that have not been involved in an accident due to distracted driving fail to recognize how dangerous is to focus their attention on driving and something else. As mobile technologies continue to progress, the distractions available to drivers are endless. Because of this, distracted driving accidents continue to steadily increase every year.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to a distracted driver, a Dade City Car Crash Attorney at Whittel & Melton can help. If your loved one was the victim of wrongful death, we can analyze every specific detail of the accident and use that information to maximize compensation opportunities, including making sure you receive the full and fair financial reward you are entitled to from the insurance companies involved. No matter how complex your distracted driving accident, our Pasco County Personal Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton have the staff, legal resources and experience needed to take on your injury claim in Dade City, New Port Richey, Zephyrhills, Land O’Lakes, Hudson, Holiday, Lutz, Trinity and Wesley Chapel. Call us today at 727-847-2299 or contact us online for a free consultation.