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Brooksville Injury Lawyer :: Back-To-School Traffic Safety Tips
September 11, 2013
As children and parents alike get back into the start of yet another school year, it is important to address a few key traffic safety issues. Drivers should be extra cautious this time of year as many kids are walking, crossing streets and riding their bikes to and from school every day. Parents should also make sure they talk with their children about the importance of pedestrian safety and help their kids understand how to get from Point A to Point B safely.
Here are several tips for adults and children alike to follow to ensure that every child makes it to and from school unharmed.
1. Refrain from texting while driving. Do not talk on your phone or send text messages while you are behind the wheel. Lead by example and show your children how to be safe drivers.
2. Watch out for child hot spots and follow the enforced speed limits. Keep a watchful eye out for areas where lots of children gather, including school zones, bus stops and bike lanes.

3. Always yield to school buses. Be patient and do not try and pass a school bus. Not only can you receive a ticket, but you could wind up hurting an innocent child trying to enter or exit the bus. If you are behind a bus that has a flashing red light, understand that you are legally required to stop and wait until the light turns off before you can proceed.
4. Keep your guard up. When moving through known child hot spots, be prepared for the unexpected. Children are known to dart out into oncoming traffic without looking. Be sure to follow the speed limit and yield to all crossing guards and traffic signs.
5. Plan to leave early. School areas can be quite crowded in the mornings and afternoons, so it is always good to budget yourself some extra time to get to where you need to go. Allotting extra travel time can prevent incidents of road rage and tragic accidents from occurring.
1. Implement crosswalk safety. Remind your children to only cross streets at cross walks or stoplights and to always look both ways before crossing the street.
2. Walk in pairs. Two or more children are easier to spot than just one, so use the buddy system when your kids are walking to and from school. Make sure your children know their walking route and that you have the contact information for all of those in their walking group. If children are not old enough to walk to and from school alone, make sure an adult chaperone is present to monitor the children’s activity.
3. Keep away from dangerous areas. Remind your kids to avoid walking or riding their bikes in dangerous blind spots, such as behind school buses and other large vehicles.
4. Show children how to exit the school bus safely. Make sure your kids understand how important it is to be careful when exiting the bus. Many school bus catastrophes happen when children run off the bus and quickly dart out in front of the bus or in front of passing cars.
5. Wear proper bicycle safety equipment. If your child is going to bike to and from school, make sure to outfit them with helmets, light-colored clothing and reflective devices.
If your child has been injured in a serious pedestrian accident in Brooksville, Spring Hill or the surrounding areas, please contact a Hernando County Injury Attorney at Whittel & Melton at 352-666-2121 for a free consultation. We know that even the most responsible children can forget the rules of safety, so do not hesitate to contact us right away to discuss your case.
Photo credit: woodleywonderworks / Foter / CC BY