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Brooksville Auto Accident Lawyer :: AAA Study Finds Motorists Using Cell Phones More Likely to Drive Drowsy & Speed
January 29, 2013
Brooksville, FL – According to a survey conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, motorists who use cell phones while behind the wheel of a car are more likely to engage in dangerous driving behaviors such as speeding, driving drowsy, driving without wearing a seatbelt and sending text messages or emails.
The study found that 69 percent of licensed drivers reported talking on a cell phone while driving within the last month regardless of the fact that 89 percent of these same respondents feel that other motorists using their cell phones while driving are a threat to their safety.
Research shows that drivers who use their cell phones regularly while driving also engage in other risky behaviors behind the wheel. The AAA study found:
- 65 percent also reported speeding
- 44 percent also reported driving while drowsy
- 53 percent also reported sending a text or email
- 29 percent also drove without a seatbelt
Motorists that reported never using a cell phone were much less likely to partake in other unsafe driving practices:
- 31 percent reported speeding
- 14 percent reported driving drowsy
- 3 percent reported sending a text or email
- 16 percent drove without a seatbelt

Shockingly, despite the 95 percent of licensed drivers that reported that they disapprove of texting and emailing while driving, more than one-in-four admitted to sending a text or email at least once in the past 30 days, and more than one-third said they read a text or email while behind the wheel. Young drivers between the ages of 16-24 were even more likely to use their cell phones – 61 percent reported they read a text or email while driving in the past month and 26 percent said they checked or updated their social media while driving.
Distracted driving is a serious problem throughout the country. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 85 percent of cell phone owners use their phones occasionally while driving, and more than 27 percent use their phones during at least half of their entire trip. Drivers using their cell phones have decreased reaction times and their crash risk is nearly quadrupled. The NHTSA estimates that more than 3,000 people are killed annually in car wrecks caused by distracted drivers, and another half a million are injured.
With more and more people using smart phones and other electronic devices, distracted driving accidents are on the rise, resulting in many serious injuries and deaths. A Hernando County Auto Accident Attorney at Whittel & Melton can help anyone injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver using their cell phone recover full and just financial compensation from the responsible party. To receive a free, confidential case evaluation, contact us online or call 352-666-2121.