Hurt in a Car Accident or
Motorcycle Crash? Lost a Loved
One in a Wrongful Death?
Avoid a Labor Day Driving Disaster | Citrus County Car Accident Attorneys Whittel & Melton

Labor Day weekend is associated with the end of summer, which is why most Americans opt to celebrate with family gatherings and other sun social events. Even though this year is a little different considering we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Safety Council still says traffic will be congesting the roadways and fatalities from collisions will still happen.
Memorial Day through Labor Day is considered the deadliest season for traffic fatalities. In fact, preliminary data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that during the 3-day Labor Day weekend for 2019 there were 448 fatalities. The U.S Department of Transportation has reported that since 1982, more fatalities on the roads over Labor Day weekend are the result of drunk or drugged drivers. Distracted drivers, fatigued drivers, and motorists operating their vehicles on unfamiliar roadways are also the main factors that contribute to Labor Day weekend car accidents.
Our Citrus County Car Accident Attorneys at Whittel & Melton want you to be safe as you head out driving anywhere this holiday weekend. Whether you are road tripping to another state or just staying close by, we want you and your loved ones to remain accident and injury free this Labor Day weekend. We urge you to remember the following safety tips no matter how close or far you are traveling this weekend.
Never drink and drive. We already noted that drunk or drugged driving is a leading cause of Labor Day weekend car crashes, so please do not get behind the wheel of a car if you have consumed alcohol or are under the influence of any drugs – this includes prescriptions and over the counter meds that are labeled dangerous if driving. Designate a safe driver for the evening, use Uber or Lyft, call a taxi, or stay put until you are safe to drive home.
Don’t drive late at night or during the early morning hours. Regardless of your sobriety, stay off the streets between midnight and 3 a.m., as this is when most DUI accidents occur.
Get your vehicle checked by professionals, to ensure it is in good working condition. You do not want your car to break down during a road trip, so save yourself a headache. Your car needs general maintenance checks regularly, so get your oil changed, have your tires checked, etc.
Map out your road trip. If you are driving to another state, plan your trip so that you are familiar with the route ahead of time. You want to try and familiarize yourself with the road map so that no surprises catch you off guard. Motorists driving through unfamiliar terrain can lead to serious auto accidents. The better prepared you are for your driving experience, the less likely you will have to panic if the GPS goes awry. You want your main focus to be on the road.
Limit distractions while driving. Drivers who are distracted can cause fatal car accidents. Distracted driving is a huge problem, so please make your car a distraction-free zone and put your cell phone away, keep your passengers and children preoccupied, and focus your attention on the primary task of driving.
Give yourself enough time to reach your destination safely. Traffic on Labor Day weekend is unpredictable, so give yourself plenty of extra time in case you get stuck in a traffic jam. Do not speed or engage in any reckless driving behaviors to try and reach your destination quicker. Be patient and drive defensively.
Our Citrus County Car Accident Attorneys at Whittel & Melton Can Help Car Crash Victims
While taking safety precautions can help you avoid a car accident, the reality is that even the safest drivers can find themselves the victim of a car accident. Our Citrus County Car Accident Attorneys at Whittel & Melton are here to help you and your loved ones if another driver’s negligence or recklessness has led to a serious Labor Day collision. We are here to help you fight for the financial compensation your injuries merit. We are here to protect your rights and get your through this difficult time. We want to remind you that we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which includes being available this Labor Day weekend. A consultation with us is completely free, so do not hesitate to call us anytime at 352-726-0078 or contact us online.