Ocala, FL DUI Attorney :: Kansas Man Arrested for DUI After Urinating in Family’s Lawn

May 9, 2011

A resident of Overland, Kansas was arrested Thursday for DUI after he allegedly urinated in a Marion County family’s yard and threw beer cans on their lawn. The man reportedly told the arresting deputy he was headed to Florida.

The deputy arrived around 6:30 p.m. to the family’s home and spoke to a man that said a black Lincoln pulled into the driveway and parked. A man got out of the car and urinated in the front yard and then pulled beer cans out of the car and threw them on the ground and left. The man’s wife and children were outside when the alleged incidents occurred.

The deputy pulled the driver over in another area of town. He reportedly told the officer that he had too much to drink and had taken an unknown amount of pills.

He supposedly requested medical attention and refused a field sobriety test. He was taken to Munroe Regional Medical Center and would not provide blood or urine tests.

He was arrested and taken to Marion County jail.

To be arrested for DUI in Florida, it does not matter if you are a resident of another state with an out of state license or if you have a Florida license. If you have been arrested for a DUI, you will face criminal court proceedings as well as a DHSMV hearing. If you are an out of state driver, you will most likely have your driver’s license suspended in your home state and face criminal prosecution in Florida.

It is important for any out of state driver visiting the Florida area to be aware that Florida is a member of the Interstate Drivers License Compact, a union that 45 states have entered into regarding traffic violations. The concept of this arrangement is thought of as “One Driver, One License, One Record.” This means that Florida will report the details of your infraction to the state of your residence, where license suspension or revocation penalties may be enforced as well as any criminal consequences that Florida may implement.

If you are arrested for DUI as an out of state driver in Florida, the most important thing you can do is contact a lawyer who is familiar with the laws and concepts specific to the local area your arrest took place.

If you are an out of state driver who has been arrested for DUI anywhere throughout the state of Florida, contact the Florida DUI Lawyers at the Law Offices of Whittel & Melton, LLC online or call 352-666-2121 or 1-866-608-5LAW (5529).

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