Hurt in a Car Accident or
Motorcycle Crash? Lost a Loved
One in a Wrongful Death?
Reckless Careless Driving Accident Attorneys in Gainesville, FL
Florida traffic accident statistics for 2009 revealed by the Florida Department of Highway Traffic Safety discovered that fatal traffic accidents in Florida are declining overall. Studies show that DUI-related fatalities in 2009 dropped by 14 percent, motorcycle accidents saw a 24 percent decline in fatalities, and fatal bicycle accidents decreased by 15 percent. Although the decline in fatalities is encouraging, the Florida Department of Highway Traffic Safety reports that 2,073 drivers, motorcyclists, and pedestrians lost their lives on Florida’s roadways in 2009.
While most drivers safely operate their automobiles, it only takes one careless driver to cause a catastrophic collision. When an irresponsible driver takes the wheel with deliberate disregard for the safety of others, they are guilty of reckless driving. If you or a loved one suffered serious injuries or lost your life because someone else blatantly neglected safety, Florida law allows you to seek financial compensation for your pain and suffering.
According to the Florida Department of Highway Traffic Safety, there were 1,964 fatal auto accidents in 200,9 with reckless driving achieving high ranks in the causes of these lethal collisions. Statistics show that careless or reckless driving accounted for 20 percent of fatal traffic accidents, which translates to 386 deaths.
Reckless driving occurs when an individual in a conscious mind decides to act carelessly despite the consequences of negligent actions. Characteristics of reckless or careless driving can include:
- Running red lights or stop signs
- Speeding more than 20 miles per hour over the designated speed limit
- Racing in high-traffic areas
- Tailgating
- Attempting to make a vehicle airborne
- Executing 180-degree turns
- Failing to drive safely in bad weather conditions
- Passing another car or school bus illegally
- Not using headlights at night
Driving is an innately risky activity. Reckless drivers who ignore safety increase the risk of harming others. Drivers must take responsibility for injuries or fatalities resulting from their reckless behavior.
If you have been in a car accident caused by a reckless driver, that driver may be held responsible for any pain and suffering resulting from your injuries or wrongful death. You may be eligible for various types of compensation, including medical bills, property repairs, disability, lost income, and pain and suffering. It is crucial to contact the Gainesville Reckless Driving Accident Attorneys after an accident, as there is a limited timeframe to file a lawsuit.
If you or someone you care about has been injured in an accident due to a careless or reckless driver, you should speak with a qualified personal injury attorney to safeguard your legal rights. The Reckless Driving Accident Attorneys at Whittel & Melton are available any time, day or night, to speak with you about your case. We even make house calls or hospital visits if you are unable to come to us. Contact our automobile injury and wrongful death attorneys serving Gainesville, Newberry, High Springs, Alachua County and all of Florida statewide immediately.
Call our Gainesville, Florida lawyers now at 352-264-7800 or reach us statewide and toll-free at 1-866-608-5LAW (5529). ¡También hablamos español!