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Hernando County Slip / Trip and Fall Injuries
Handling claims throughout Brooksville and Spring Hill Florida
Whittel & Melton, LLC
11020 Northcliffe Blvd.
Spring Hill, FL 34608

Generally, “slip and fall” or “trip and fall” accidents refer to situations when an individual injures him or herself by tripping or slipping due to the negligence of the property owner. Some kind of negligence would have usually created the condition, sometimes referred to as a dangerous condition, where the trip or slip and subsequent fall accident was foreseeable.
It is certainly not required for this to happen in a store or business for financial consequences to come about. All land/property owners have a duty to keep their property safe from any kind of hazardous or dangerous condition that could create an accident. These kinds of accidents can occur inside restaurants, in a parking lot, bathrooms, kitchens, in a shopping aisle or any general congregation area.
If you are the victim of a fall that could have been prevented, do not delay, call the Brooksville and Spring Hill Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton immediately! 352-666-6666
TIPS if you are in a Hernando County Slip, Trip and Fall situation:
- Report the incident to the property owner immediately. Although there is no law that if you don’t report it, you can’t make a claim – it will certainly go a long way in resolving the claim later, as hopefully they will now have their own recollection of the event, even if they didn’t directly see the fall. Hopefully they will give you a copy of their Accident/Incident report – although be advised, they are not required by Florida law to turn that over in every situation.
- Take pictures of the area ASAP – no matter how crude, use your mobile phone if necessary.
- Seek medical attention immediately, ideally from any medical provider who has treated you before the accident and can attest for the change in your symptoms.
- Call Whittel & Melton at 352-666-6666 immediately.
The responsibility is ours to prove that a hazard existed and that it was the cause of your accident. This legal burden will require us to do a full evaluation of not only your medical condition, but also the events and condition of the property that caused this fall. The earlier we can get started the better.
Your first consultation is FREE – let us evaluate your injury.
Hernando County, FL Slip and/or Trip and Fall Injury Attorneys
Whittel & Melton, LLC
11020 Northcliffe Blvd.
Spring Hill, FL 34608